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(San)deep's World. Wise observations from Prof. Sandeep Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor of Marketing and E-Commerce, author, educator, Dad, coach, racquetball player, evangelist, speaker and thinker.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Wall Street Journal quotes me!

The Wall Street Journal had a story about voluntary pricing at small eateries such as Terra Bite. Yours truly was quoted. Here is the exact quote-

"You can encourage people to donate as much as they want," says Sandeep
Krishnamurthy, associate professor of e-commerce and marketing at the University of
Washington at Bothell campus. "And if you do that to the right audience in the right
way ... what ends up happening is that you save money [by not having to invest in a
large, paid staff or credit-card services] and people feel good that you're trusting them
so much. And I think you're going to end up seeing people giving good sums of

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One of my favorites

One of my favorites