Google Search


Google Pack

(San)deep's World. Wise observations from Prof. Sandeep Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor of Marketing and E-Commerce, author, educator, Dad, coach, racquetball player, evangelist, speaker and thinker.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Gmail, Gmail, Gmail

Yahoo has decided it wants to take on GMail. What does it do about it? Increase storage. Memo to Yahoo- see what Sandeep Krishnamurthy has to say about GMail here. It is not about the storage- it is about functionality- remember "Search. Don't sort.". The story does say- Yahoo! says it has made it easier for email users to search the Web or the content of their email boxes. It is still not a prominent enough part of the e-mail package, IMHO. Invest in search, my friends. Innovate. Run.

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One of my favorites

One of my favorites