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(San)deep's World. Wise observations from Prof. Sandeep Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor of Marketing and E-Commerce, author, educator, Dad, coach, racquetball player, evangelist, speaker and thinker.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

A Textbook Author Reports.

I am the author of a book called "E-Commerce Management: Text and Cases". The book has several E-Tasks. When my students finish these tasks, I ask them to post it on to their student page. Turns out, Google has cached many of these and they are freely available on the Web. A colleague recently reported that-

"I am really enjoying your text; however, I have my students complete the E-Tasks and an analysis for the cases in your text. As they turn in their work I see they are giving your students' pages as references for some answers without searching for the answers themselves."

The students are clearly smart. They know that if they provide references the teacher will not call it plagiarism. Yet, they are not doing the work. At the same time, they are showing their research skills in locating information. Overall, a mess. I will simply ask my students to stop posting their writeups in future classes.

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